It’s summertime and it can be challenging to maintain some summer productivity because – well, it’s hot. In fact, it’s so hot that it can literally feel like the only options you have to keep from melting are:
- jump in some sort of body of water,
- find a fan and lie down (preferably a cold drink in hand), or
- forego all responsibilities so that you can kick back with friends and let the hours drift away.
Unfortunately, business didn’t get the summer break memo, which means that entrepreneurs everywhere need to find a way to main some summer productivity without feeling like they’re missing out on an ounce of fun.
The good news is that as an entrepreneur you get to make your own rules. So, while there’s no way to get around getting work done, there are some creative ways to do it in the summertime. Here are a few of my favourite suggestions…
Work Remotely
Having an office space is great, but that doesn’t mean you need to be tied to it. In the summer especially, it’s a nice reprieve from the same-old-same-old to get outside of your 9 to 5 view and try something new. While the weather might be too hot to actually work outside (although, if you can find shade or a nice umbrella, by all means, go ahead!), there are plenty of creative places you can go in your local area if you just start looking. From co-working options to cute new cafes, let the warm weather encourage you to spread your wings – and maybe up your inspiration levels at the same time.
Work with Friends
While not all of us have the luxury of having a great group of female entrepreneurs we can work next to, all of us can find other entrepreneurs in our area that are happy to share some room at their proverbial desk. Working around friends not only makes work more fun, but it can also up your productivity levels (so long as your work friends are good role models). Some areas of meet-up groups of sorts where you can find people looking to add a social aspect to their solitary work. Take advantage! Not only will working alongside people give you motivation and something to look forward to, but if you work from home as I do now, it will also give you an excuse to get out of yoga pants!
My favourite option right now is swinging by a friend who also works from home that has a quiet office space with views overlooking the sea. We often catch up on personal things, but also bounce ideas off of each other and get feedback on items we are both working on.
Schedule Social Time
One of the hardest parts about being an entrepreneur is that you do have flexibility. No one will tell you when to go home or when to stop working. Of course, the flip side is that no one will hold you accountable for the work you do either. During the summer, it’s more tempting than ever to take time to do things with your friends – from vacations to barbecues and pool parties.
We all know better than to blow off several days of work just so you can play. But, it’s also important to not force yourself to work constantly either. Try scheduling your social time this summer, setting aside specific days or blocks of time where you can be with your friends and family. This will help you stay focused (and know when you need to say no) all through the summer months.
There is so much value in planning your fun. It gives you something to look forward to and helps you to set hard deadlines and boundaries for your work. Recently, I’ve been planning themed pot luck lunches with my circle of friends where we meet on Saturdays with the only item on the agenda is to lounge around with food readily available!
Stay Inspired
Long summer days can feel tedious if all you do is work. Because the general mood is light and fun, you can take advantage of the vibe by finding ways to get inspired for your work. Whether it’s taking trips to museums, people watching in the park, or just doing whatever you love to help you stay creatively on point, summer is a great time to give yourself an inspiration boost. But, remember, getting inspired is different from social time, although depending on what you do professionally those lines might feel blurred.
Social time is specifically a chance for you to unwind, relax, and not think about work; inspiration time, on the other hand, is an opportunity for you to get recharged and excited while thinking about work. Whatever your source of inspiration might be, do yourself (and your business) a favour this summer by making sure you get plenty of it.
Cliche? Maybe. Important enough to mention (again)? Absolutely. Don’t ever underestimate the power of hydration. Drinking enough water and fluids (no, not chardonnay or mojitos) during the summer is key to feeling your best. And, you guessed it, feeling your best is key to your business and personal success too. So, whether you’re getting inspired, chilling with your friends, working remotely, or finding new friends to connect with, make sure you have a bottle of H2O in hand.
I recently got myself a BUILT tumbler that literally keeps drinks nice and cool for a whole 24 hours.
Whatever your plans are this summer, use a few or all of these tips to keep you motivated in your business and personal life.
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